Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Texas, week 3, volume

back squat (to 5x155#)

5x5 back squat (185)
5x5 shoulder press (85)
5x5 power clean (115)

Squats felt good, although I caught my knees sliding forward on a few reps. Can probably go up 5# next week. Shoulder press is fine, can go up 5# for a couple of sets next time. I finally felt the difference between the start position of the clean and the start position of the deadlift (it helps to start with the hips lower and the chest slightly more upright in the former, arms basically vertical; compare this to Rippetoe deadlift start). Power cleans should go up next time.

Also played around with frenchies. Basically a set of pullups with static holds to build lockoff strength. A single frenchie consists of:
1) pullup and hold fully locked off position for x seconds, lower
2) pullup and lower until bend in arm forms a 90 degree angle, hold for
x seconds, lower
3) pullup and lower until bend in arm forms a 120 degree angle, hold for
x seconds, lower
Note that each step in the sequence is initiated with a full pullup (chin over bar) and ends with full extension. I used x=5, which induced a crazy lactate burn in my forearms after only a couple of reps. Will be working these in regularly.

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