Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Meet Elizabeth

2xbarbell complex, 50#

Crossfit WOD 080506

21-15-9 reps of:
Clean 135 pounds
Ring dips (subbed bar dips, 1:1)

SS 16:19

Well, first time working Elizabeth, and I'm pretty drained. The actual sub for ring dips is 1:3 bar dips, but I'm pretty sure I would have taken ridiculously longer had I used that sub. Arms went to failure mid dip several times, so this was probably the correct sub for my current fitness level. I was breaking them up into sets of two and one towards the end of each round. Cleans were heavy, but very do-able. Sets were broken down as 11-5-6, 6-3-3-3, 5-4. A few times I did a full squat clean and it felt really great, but most of the reps were done as power cleans. I look forward to trying this one out again sometime.

1 comment:

brian said...

Nice Scott! The first to brave Elizabeth.