Monday, April 14, 2008

front/back squat (to 155#)
5-3-3-2 deadlift (135,205,225,245)

Crossfit WOD 041008
7x1 deadlift (265,295,305,325,335,340 [f],dnf)
Finished up with 3x225 and 5x135.

3-2-2-2-2 split jerk (45,65,85,95,105)

Deadlifts felt good, didn't have to use mixed grip until 305. 335 is a new PR, but it felt really heavy. Afterwards, I psyched myself out imagining my spine exploding, and subsequently failed to pull 340 very far off the floor. I was set to go 7 rounds, but I knew I wasn't mentally prepared to pull anymore and bailed on the last set. Split jerks for speed, working on finishing the drive.


kenny g said...

Light weight! Light weight!

Seriously, some heavy numbers there. Often with the heavy singles it feels like my spine's gonna burst.

brian said...

Yah, it was quite weird, I had to talk myself into trying the last rep.