Hanging on for dear life
deadlifts to 275#
Crossfit WOD 080425
5x3 deadlifts (295, 305, 315, 325, 335[f3])
1x max static hang (pullup bar)
Haven't DL'ed in a while. Warmups felt heavy by 225, but the work loads went up reasonably smoothly. Took the weight from the floor each time, partly to avoid bouncing at the bottom and partly because at heavy weights my mechanics in the turnaround get all funky. Mixed grip starting at 305, I always do L up/R down but might try it reversed next time; my back is asymmetric so one of the grips is likely to be more comfortable.The static hang is a real grip-burner, really peeled off at the end - when the pump comes it spreads *quickly*. Didn't try alternating hands and shaking (a la Horst) but think it would have only given me 10 more seconds or so.
Damn, is that hanging by one arm?! Even with two that's a good time, no wonder you can stay on the wall so long!
Nah, two hands, though the one handed version is a neat alternative - don't know how long I could hang on, but it's a good test of relative grip strength.
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