Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Getting back to being tossed around

Worked in surprising heat and humidity at the Dojo today. And one of the senior students who's not been around much recently was in--which was good because he is great to work with... and bad because he never tires (because he moves you effortlessly) while you get worn out.

We worked on cross hand grab evade techniques. These are interesting as you are actually using the opponents natural reaction to follow their goal target to guide them to a position where you can control the situation. (Something like moving a target mid-saccade and observing an automatic corrective saccade... or similar high level cognitive hijinks.) It was recommended that I schedule my next test again, so I need to spend some time cleaning up my bokken work and brush up on the test Aikido.

Knee is feeling mostly solid but it still occasionally feels less secure than I'd like. Rotational force is the biggest issue, but I think raw strength would make me feel better (or reduce the psychological aspects). More squats!


brian said...

Is testing open to the public?

dep said...

yes, I'll post when I'm going to test.