Spent the afternoon in day-old powder on the slopes of Snowbird with Robb and my buddy Steve. Five hours of nonstop riding left absolutely nothing in the tank by the end of the day - note to self: no ME squats in the days before riding...By the way, we passed the spot where the last time I skied here, in a fit of youthful stupidity and unwarranted bravado, I leapt off a cornice to receive a quick 500 yard trip down and a broken rib. This time I peeked over the edge and wisely continued on. Still looks scary.
And here I thought you were at a scientific conference or something ...
Are those photos of you guys?
At some point your brain gets full and you need a little low oxygen exertion to cull the bad ideas out.
Yeah, I'm in red and Robb's in blue (with the cool mirrored goggles).
Ah, that's why they put the Cosyne near a ski mountain!
I actually think that's why they have Cosyne at all...
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