Saturday, February 16, 2008


Poorly protected slab traverse to gain a higher chimney and corner system at Cannon Cliff, NH. More info at the Alpinist site.

Spent the morning at New Rochelle with Eric and Brian today, working mostly routes at our limits. We all groveled on a slew of new just off-vertical slab routes in the back (ranging from 5.9 to 5.11), a great way to work balance and quiet feet placement. Good change of pace from the crimpy overhanging and/or roofy stuff we tend to get on so easily. Also worked a slew of excellent 11s, including a fun 11 and 12 up front requiring pretty intricate body placements. Brian remains interested in crushing the peanut...

Ran into Erica, a CNS alum (Landy and Movshon) who's cranking hard these days, she climbs often so roadtrip possibilities on the horizon! And, last but certainly not least on my plate, we made the leap to a new dining establishment: Chickens Gone Wild, home of the surly dude in a chicken suit serving quality grilled meats...

1 comment:

brian said...

The peanut eluded me, but the bottom was much smoother this time. Today was all Obe routes. I'll be dreaming about those slabs in the back (thanks for all those catches Eric!).

Also, it seems like that hangboard training has been working Eric, your pulling strength seemed way up this session.