Thursday, January 24, 2008

Snatch That

2xBurgener warmup (22{couldn't find a broomstick}, 45)
4x5 snatch (45,65,75,85)

5x5 snatch
ED & SS: 2x95, 2x100, 105

2x5 burpees
1=5=1 burpee breathing pyramid
2xMax pull-ups (ED 15,12; SS 16,10)

It was great finally doing some work on the snatch. Had done the clean before, but aside from that time Kenway made his leg nasty this is the first time really working the snatch. Three main things to work on for both Eric and I are keeping the butt down during the first pull to get enough momentum on the bar, doing the shrug pull to actually get the weight up (thus preventing us from muscling it up) and dropping low enough fast enough to catch the bar at the nadir. We definitely improved on these things over the course of the session and I look forward to doing it some more.


brian said...

Scott gets 5 points for using "butt", "snatch" and "nadir" all in the same paragraph.

brian said...

BTW, strict pullups?

Scott said...

Nah, they were kipping, but they were on the extended pull-up station in the front that's really hard to do pull-ups on. All I want is a friggin' bar, but it's good to do things that are hard I suppose.