Sunday, January 13, 2008

Nothin but pullups

back squat (doubles to 185#)
front squat (doubles to 175#)
glide-kips & Big fat pullups

Crossfit WOD 011308
With a continuously running clock do one pull-up the first minute, two pull-ups the second minute, three pull-ups the third minute... continuing as long as you are able.

BL: 10 rounds + 8 (63 pullups)

Crashed faster than I thought; made it to round 9 with unbroken sets. I think I just lost the ability to kip; round 10 was broken 3-3-2-2, and the beginning of the 11th round were all singles! The early rounds are great for practicing kipping though. My kipping is still pretty awkward.

Also, between eating too little and an extended sickness, I've lost 4-5 pounds! Maybe climbing will be easier now ...


kenny g said...

So Brian, are you switching kip technique from the shorter cycle frog-style to the longer glide?

The glide was the way I first learned it, just felt easier to generate more upward pull for me - at the cost of greater energy expenditure for pull.

brian said...

I don't think so. I'm starting to get used to the shorter cycle (even if it may be less efficient). Once I've got that dialed in, maybe I will work hard on the longer cycle for reps.

The long glide is great for scapular mobility, and maybe the mechanics will transfer better to bar muscle-ups (see the video for the big fat pullups in the post). It can really generate a lot of power. I just can't for the life of me get the pushing away at the top to work for reps.