Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Upper workout

This one was a crossfit WOD last saturday, 071214

5x1 shoulder press
5x3 push press
5x5 push jerk

shoulder press:
SS: 115, 120, 125, 125(f), 120(f)
KL: 115, 120(f), 120(f), 115, 120(f)
ED: 125, 2x135, 140(f), 135

push press:
SS: 135, 135, 130, [140,140(f),135], 135
KL: [135,135(f),125], 125, 130, [2x135, 135(jerk)], 135
ED: 3x145, 150, [2x155, 155(f)]

push jerk:
SS: 120, [4x125, 125(f)], 115, 115, [4x115, 115(f)]
KL: 120, 125, [4x130, 130(f)], [1x125, minor injury- end set]
ED: 135, 2x125, 2x120

A good workout, very taxing though. It's interesting how your arms can totally fail to put out enough force and you are completely unable to lift something. We all hit that point during this workout, and we all initially tried for a recoup but once your arms fail it really is best to just skip that turn and get some rest. Eric lifted some pretty heavy weights again (strong work!), so we all need to put in some extra effort and catch up or he'll be leaving us behind.


brian said...

Nice work guys. What did you injure Kenway?

kenny g said...

It's amazing how much shoulder strength I've lost while in manuscript-writing/climbing/non-lifting mode, really felt weak all the way through today. Nice job Eric and Scottle.

Felt something pull in the left shoulder (muscle, not rotator) on consecutive reps in the 4th set of jerks, and decided to call it a day early. More of a twinge than a strain, I think...

RiCap said...

Way to be strong guys :)