Pulling a little plastic
Scott and I returned to the NJRG to get back on the wall. Ran a bunch of routes to see the level at which where we're climbing, and get a feel for the local ratings. Scott did well! We worked on foot placement and body positioning in relationship to weight distribution. Think the next step - which will come with practice - is route planning and seeing the following moves.
Not surprisingly, I'm most limited by grip strength, but with the past months of Crossfit am climbing much better off a long layoff than I expected. Guess a little more hangboard training is in order. Oh, and I'm either weaker or heavier than I last remember - probably both... At least I tested Scott's belaying skills, and am happy to report he passed with flying colors.
Here's a little info on the Yosemite Decimal System of rating climbs.Rob Miller on Free Muir, a 5.13 climb 2000 ft off the deck in Yosemite. Miller is a trainer at Crossfit HQ, you may have seen him crushing the killer 3 kinds of pull-ups workout.
Awesome! Was really sorry to miss that one. Hope we do this again soon.
Great links, and I had no idea Miller climbed, he seems pretty big.
Two questions:
1) What was the travel time on the whole PATH/Scott drive thing?
2) Are Scott and I good to belay there in the future?
Travel time on the PATH to Jersey was quick, we had to pick up Scott's car from the shop so hard to gauge. Left New York ~6:15, got to NJRG maybe 7:45, but have to subtract at least 45 min or so. So, 30 min drive, maybe 45-1 hour door to door.
Return trip is longer, trains running less frequently.
They checked Scott's belaying again, and said they will check him just one more time but then it's all good...
We should definitely climb when you get back from vacation!
Scott and I will try to hit NJRG one more time before his week is up, but I'm going to check out Palladium as well...
Also, the fall weather is settling in - perfect for outdoor climbing.
Sounding like a day trip to the Gunks!
Another option, if anyone wants to get away for a weekend, is Rumney in NH. Sport climbing (bolted protection) mecca...
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