Hanging around
Two amazing roof climbs:
A neat collection of different climbers:
A key for the different grading systems in the videos.
Two amazing roof climbs:
A neat collection of different climbers:
A key for the different grading systems in the videos.
Posted by
8/10/2007 12:00:00 PM
In boulderer lingo: sweeeeet, brah!
It's amazing that a climber like Mrazek in the first video makes it look so effortless, I don't think I could hang onto a single one of those holds much less link them together in a crazy long sequence like that.
Notice how he uses his legs and core, and shifts his hips, to maintain the best leverage and angle for a given grip. Crucial when the grips are tiny like that, and you're horizontal.
Didya like the spot in the middle where he bat-hangs for rest?
Yah, I had to rewind to see it again. Crazy confidence in that foot hold. Noticed hooking with the heels too, which I hadn't even considered.
Mrazek's long sequence is absolutely crazy. My arms cramped just watching him!
Heel-hooking is extremely useful on overhanging routes when you can't direct weight downwards on your stance. Any weight taken by the legs is that much less for the hands.
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