Fat states
From this article courtesy of the CalorieLab.
Maybe it has something to do with this:CNN coverage of this recent article. Go figure, kids prefer food wrapped in a McDonald's wrapper... Well, it's not quite the right experiment, but you get the idea.
Interestingly, the National Broadcasting Commission of Thailand is about to finalize restrictions on junk food ads for children. The proposed measures include a ban on junk food ads during children's programmes; prohibiting the use of children, cartoon characters, entertainers or celebrities as ad presenters; prohibiting marketing promotions using giveaways and lucky draws; and requiring ads to warn against consuming the products more than twice a day. Source
Edited (082207) to add a link:
What is the Right Way to Think About the Obesity ‘Epidemic’?
and the World Fatness Chart:Check out other awesome illustrations by Wellington Grey.
Just an addendum: such obesity data is surveyed via body mass index (BMI) - weight divided by height squared - which serves as a proxy for body fat % and fitness.
As a proxy, it's not a perfect measure (my BMI has gone up since I started working out regularly again, but I am definitely more fit), but it correlates well with obesity levels across the population.
Good point.
Just wanted to justify my BMI sliding up into the "overweight" zone: BMI 25.1 @ 5'11",180#
Whatever works for you...
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