Saturday, June 23, 2007

Fran's jealousy

back squat
overhead squat

Fran, which happened to be today's WOD

85# thruster


I warmed up with some thrusters, and didn't quite feel ready to bump it up at 95#. Settled for 85#, which is 10 more than last time. They closed the gym just as I had finished and was flopping on the ground.


kenny g said...

Excellent work - upping the weight and dropping the time...

brian said...

I forgot to mention that I fell over at the bottom of a thruster just as some huge dude was telling some skinny dude not to squat past parallel. If I weren't gasping for air, I would have laughed at myself.

Scott said...

I would have loved to see that. not the you falling, but the other part. it's rare that you hear people give suggestions in the gym, except us. I feel like we talk alot.