Saturday, May 12, 2007

Simple complex

Tried a watered down version of the Cosgrove barbell complex Brian mentioned the other day:

3 rounds of the following superset (90s rest between rounds):
Deadlift - 6 reps
Romanian Deadlift - 6 reps
Bent Over Row - 6 reps
Power Clean - 6 reps
Front Squat - 6 reps
Push Press - 6 reps
Back Squat - 6 reps
Good Morning - 6 reps

3 rounds 45#,75#,75#. Did the first round as warm up (especially for the power clean technique) and ran through 2 rounds at weight before running out of time. The second round at 75# was definitely harder than the first, and I think I would have been hard pressed to complete two more at the same pace.


brian said...

How'd you like the complex? Oddly enough, my hamstrings were destroyed by the RDLs and good mornings.

brian said...

Oh, and this is not typically used as a workout by itself, just a finisher.

kenny g said...

More than enough of a workout for me that day!

I like it, seems to hit the major muscle groups in a way that flows. Relatively nonimpact way of getting the heart rate up too...