It occurred to me today that we haven't talked much about programming. I'll be posting more on this subject over the next few days. Until then, mull over this gem from Rippetoe & Kilgore:
It occurred to me today that we haven't talked much about programming. I'll be posting more on this subject over the next few days. Until then, mull over this gem from Rippetoe & Kilgore:
Posted by
4/02/2007 08:33:00 PM
Labels: lifting, Programming, Technique
Did the thought occur as we were flailing around trying to figure out what to do today?
You're right, I haven't given any real thought to it at all, mostly because our schedules are so much in flux. Thinking through it will be helpful.
Haha, the flailing was a good prompt, but I've been trying more and more to mix strength training with the WOD. Much easier to do if the goals are clear.
Fair amount of chatter over on the crossfit message board on this issue. Search for "black box".
This graph is pretty intersting. Is it just this guy's personal opinion or is it corroborated?
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