Sunday, March 18, 2007

500 m row
3x10 back extensions (BW, 2x35# plate)
2x12 dips
2x7 pullups

1x10 overhead squats (45# bar)

Alternating sets (7 rounds, ~60s rest between rounds):
1x4 overhead squat (45#,65#,2x85#,85# [bailed on last rep],2x65#)
1x6 press-up to overhead shrug (2x65#,3x85#,2x65#)
1x2 (per arm) two-handed anyhow (25# plate per arm)

Weight doesn't seem to be the issue on OHS. Bailing always happens when I drop too deep and lose lumbar arch, regainging it causes swaying which is basically impossible to control at the bottom.

Anyhows felt great, very demanding exercise.

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